AutoBound LE is the simply the easiest redistricting tool on the market today. LE was designed for use by individuals that have little or no experience with desktop GIS products. Autobound LE is a standalone redistricting product and does not need any desktop GIS to be installed. However, data and plans created with LE are directly compatible with Citygate's professional redistricting product, autobound Pro. There is no need for import or export of plans or Census data.
Autobound LE uses Microsoft Office Style Ribbon Bar menus. So, anyone who uses standard office products can quickly learn to use the software. The main menu includes a Home, View and Map Layout tab.

The Home tab includes Map Navigation and Redistricting tools. The View tab includes autobound's Summary tool and View Manager. All map output tools are under the Map Layout Tab. Of course autobound LE also includes our Excel Compatible Spreadsheet used to display the demographic totals for districts.
LE is ideal for Legislators and Legal professionals that wish to review and edit plans, but don't want to learn to operate a GIS or be involved in the intricacies of data development or complex demographic analysis.
Autobound LE includes the following capabilities:
- Easy to setup, simple to learn and use
- Advanced boundary editing tools
- Multi-level redistricting
- Unlimited number of undos and set points
- Integrated Excel compatible spread sheet tool
- Centralized Workspace manager
- Report tools, including output of maps and reports to PDF format
- Built in security features prevents unauthorized edits
- Supports user developed data sets
- Includes over 2 Gigs of Free data
- Wizard driven user interface simplifies most tasks
Video Presentation
Introducting autobound LE (video)