Redistricting Support
Citygate GIS has a long history of working with School districts in drawing both attendance areas and the development bus routing solutions. Citygate has also performed Turn-Key redistricting support services for a variety of small, medium and large schools districts. These services included work with School Boards during the plan development and holding of public hearings after the various alternatives had been completed.
Past projects have included support of attendance area adjustments for school districts ranging in size from less than 15,000 students to over 120,000 students, including clients such as Harford County, Maryland, Montgomery County, Maryland, City of Madison, Wisconsin, City of Las Vegas/Clark County, Nevada, Fairfax County, Virginia. Henrico County, Virginia, City of Lexington, Kentucky, and St. Mary’s County, Maryland.
Citygate's support services includes the following:
- Student Geocoding
- Student Population Projection
- Attendance area redistricting
- Redistricting impact analysis
- Public Hearings and collection of citizen comments
- Cartographic and Map production services
- Bus Routing
- Student database updates
Citygate's redistricting software tools include:
- AutoBound – Most widely used ArcGIS extension for redistricting.
- AutoBound LE – Standalone redistricting viewer and editor.
- iOpenEngage – Web based system for capture of public or internal comments regarding redistricting plans.
- Routeabus – School bus routing portal using ArcGIS Online.
Given the usually sensitive nature of redistricting, and the interest by the media, Citygate personnel have developed significant past experience with the members of the media. The Citygate has worked with and given interviews concerning redistricting to news organizations such as CNN, the Wall Street Journal, the Idaho Statesman and the Providence Journal.
Citygate personnel have also participated in public hearings or other presentations concerning redistricting plans. Citygate’s Maptician software has been successfully used in many public hearings to demonstrate various aspects of particular redistricting alternatives. Citygate has also worked with community groups and other stakeholders to insure participation by the public.
Bus Routing Software
Citygate provides the routeabus.com and edutecha.com web portals for support of Bus routing and school planning. routeabus.com is the first true web based school bus routing portal. The website allows users to upload facilities and student addresses, then use the system's tools to create optimized bus routes. There is no need for desktop software or data. Edutecha.com is designed to support school districts in performing student projections and redistricting. The system's online tools allow creation of school boundaries and acceptance of public comments through a Google Map based interface.