Citygate offers field data collection services for capture of electrical features and other networked assets. Using customized GIS and GPS technology, Citygate has been able to reduce field collection cost for these projects by more than a factor of 10.
Electrical collection is performed in compliance with industry standards and supports projects such as Arc Flash, short circuit, load flow, reliability, capacitor placement studies and, optimal network configuration.
Collection tools are integrated into Citygate’s PRIOMETRIX Asset Management System. Priometrix provides work order and assignment management as well as tools for interfacing with power system simulation software such as ETAP and NEPLAN. The software’s GIS data is compatible ESRI technology and uses industry database standards such as Multispeak.

Citygate provides trained field staff to support data collection projects anywhere in the world. Field capture services are offered in the following areas:
- Electrical asset collection for Arc Flash analysis and power system studies
- Collection of utility distribution systems
- Pipeline distribution systems
- Asset management
- Disaster recovery
- Defense and Military
- Water and Sewer networks
- Storm water management systems